Creig & Mike Season 1 Episode 25

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Can you imagine switching bodies with someone for a day—who would you choose, and why? Join us as we embark on a hilarious journey through the quirks of everyday life, starting with our quest for Cole Wetzel concert tickets and ending with a lively debate about body-swapping fantasies. We sprinkle in our disdain for certain politicians, wonder about philosophical conundrums like the sound of a tree falling in the woods, and reminisce about childhood decisions that could have changed our lives. With dreams of joining the music industry or becoming professional athletes, we dive headfirst into the pursuit of passion, even when the fear of failure looms large.

Switching gears, we entertain the idea of inviting presidential nominees onto our show and imagine the chaos that could ensue. As we fantasize about the astronomical earnings of podcast stars like Joe Rogan, we're also giving you a peek behind the scenes into the world of catering. We unwrap the trials and triumphs of running a catering business, from the satisfaction of pulling off a flawless event to a laugh-out-loud anecdote about a green bean catastrophe. Our insights into maintaining a balance between passion and practicality might just inspire you to chase your own dreams, culinary or otherwise.

Finally, we celebrate the success story of Meals by Mike—a vibrant catering adventure born from a career shift during the pandemic. The journey from plumbing to creating soul food that warms hearts in Dallas-Fort Worth is filled with meaningful contributions to the community, like offering meals to veterans and teachers. As we recount the rave reviews for Mike's culinary delights, we wrap up with a playful tease of next week's episode, where politics meets the intensity of a boxing match, complete with gloves and a ring girl. Get ready for a wild ride and an entertaining debate that promises to be as lively as it is enlightening.

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Speaker 1:

yeah, this is a shit show. I'm craig this is mike. Get you some of this co-wrestling what up, peeps?

Speaker 2:

what is the deal? Man, the dillio, the dillio.

Speaker 1:

I don't need a ticket to your shit show man, we I know I keep saying this, Maybe Cole Wetzel will hear this and actually send us tickets. That'd be Craig C-R-E-I-G at the shitshowscom or Mike At the shitshowscom. We would love to see tickets. We would love to come to you and be your shit show there, brother.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Then we can at the after after show we could do a live show from the bar, it is yes, and have him on there. We would even pay him everything he wanted. Yeah, if the, if you believe that, then I've got some, uh, oceanfront property in arizona, arizona, anyways, anyways, anyways, something dope man, same shit every day. Same shit every day. That's it Same shit every day.

Speaker 2:

Working like a slave, getting paid like a puppy.

Speaker 1:

Man, that is true, that is very true.

Speaker 2:

My dad used to say that all the time.

Speaker 1:

You know we're not going to talk politics, but you know that election's tomorrow.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You know, yeah, or you know I can't wait, hey, it'll be over and done.

Speaker 2:

Like we said, whoever wins, suck it up buttercup.

Speaker 1:

Yep, let the other one run it. Yeah, but anyways, anyways.

Speaker 2:

Still fuck Ted Cruz, though I don't like that guy.

Speaker 1:

Isn't Ted Cruz dead?

Speaker 2:

No, Unfortunately he's still alive.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

But I don't like that guy. I don't care what he is, I don't like him.

Speaker 1:

Oh, really you the other one.

Speaker 2:

No, I don't like him either, but I don't like tig cruz. I wish there was another republican that could take his yeah, I agree, or anybody else.

Speaker 1:

Anyways, I got some questions, man, some pretty good questions we're gonna start the show off with questions.

Speaker 2:

I like questions all right.

Speaker 1:

If a tree falls in the woods and there's nobody around to hear it, does it really make a noise? Yeah, of course it does. That's the stupidest question anybody could ask. What the fuck did you ask for? Because I mean, that's a typical question people ask.

Speaker 2:

I want to slap somebody who asked me that question All right, I got another one.

Speaker 1:

Okay, If you could go back to your childhood, what is one thing you'd change If you could change it?

Speaker 2:

I would stay in school there you go I would probably not that, not that I necessarily needed it, um, for real life, because I don't believe than math. We don't use anything in school, I feel like in English. Obviously, history is cool, but I think graduating school would be cool.

Speaker 1:

I would have not taken steroids.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I think I would have got a lot further in life.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

One way or another. That's really a downfall Not to be on the downside. We're not trying to make you all feel sad. Our lives have turned out great. Hey, I promise you somebody's listening right now and they're thinking in their head like huh, I wonder what I would go back and change.

Speaker 2:

Right, I'm sure You've got to change something. Nobody grew up perfect. I don't care if you grew up thinking in their head like huh, I wonder what.

Speaker 1:

I would go back and right, I'm sure you gotta change something nobody grew up perfect.

Speaker 2:

I don't care if you grew up with a silver spoon. There's something that out there, that that you regret and that would. That would probably be one of them I had to get another one.

Speaker 1:

If you were offered your dream job with no training and you had to step in that job right now, knowing there's a possibility, it fell in, would you? Yeah, and what?

Speaker 2:

would that job right?

Speaker 1:

now, knowing there's possibility of failing, would you?

Speaker 2:

yeah, and what would that job be? Yes, because the the key word is the possibility of failing. So you have the opportunity to make sure to give yourself the best, best advantage to make it happen or to fail. So, uh, mine would be the music business. I tried, tried when I was younger. I tried so hard, so hard, spent so much money, did so many things.

Speaker 2:

I actually started my first business was a street promoting business and what that was was I went to back when you had music stores. They had displays of the album covers and stuff like that and I would go to the stores and put those up. I would be out after concerts passing out, uh, sampler cds and stuff like that. Um, and I did some work. I had a contract with def jam records and that's back when, like, I could say jay-z, but they would be like, well, what album? Or whatever. But back when Rush Hour first came out, that era is when I was doing stuff for Def Jam. I did some stuff in Houston for Lil' Kiki and I tried and tried and tried and it just wouldn't stick and finally I just had to give it up. But I wish, I wish it just wouldn't stick and finally I just had to give it up. But I wish and not necessarily a rapper, even though when I was younger I did rap but just to be in that industry because that's what I love.

Speaker 2:

I love music. So if I could be a part of that in some way a producer or an AR, something that would be my dream job and I can assure you that I wouldn't fail now. Yeah, if it was this point in time and I'm even at this age like I said, I'm not trying to be a rapper but if I was involved in somebody's career, I feel like I could help them be successful, be a part of that success, if you know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

I would probably be an athlete of some sort, professional athlete.

Speaker 2:

I thought about that.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I love basketball. That was my favorite.

Speaker 1:

Just if I had the opportunity in my prime.

Speaker 2:

I wouldn't stand up Football yeah.

Speaker 1:

What position I would try to Remember a member of his dream. Yeah, linebacker, of course you want to be a linebacker, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I mean, of course I'd love to be a running back.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, or even you know.

Speaker 2:

I'd love to be a running back or a defensive end.

Speaker 1:

Or even a coach myself being a coach.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I love coaching. Yeah, um, I'm pretty good at it.

Speaker 1:

I love coaching too, but I had to give it up because the parents are fucking just crazy nowadays. You can't coach them, fucking little kids. Parents are worse than the kids are I know exactly they have they.

Speaker 2:

You're trying to teach their kids respect and the parents are just lack it. Yeah, like all of the respect they're just talking we'll put my son in blah blah blah. The ghetto-ass ball is what I called it. Believe me, I coached. We had guns pulled out on us and shootings in the parking lot. Of course we was in the hood, because that's where we was back in those days.

Speaker 1:

All right, I got another one. All right, do you believe that robots will eventually replace humans? Will eventually replace humans, as in more people will utilize robot part, robotic parts instead of um live parts.

Speaker 2:

I I do believe that robots will be more a part of society. Yes, I think so too, and they'll. They're not gonna be able to do everything. Uh, it's like you're not gonna be able to. A robot's not gonna be able to do a tradesman's job. They're not gonna be able to do everything. Uh, it's like you're not gonna be able to. A robot's not gonna be able to do a tradesman's job. They're not gonna be plumbers or like electricians or something like that. I just don't see how's it gonna work. A robot's gonna crawl under the pipe and replace cast iron. Yeah, under the house and replace cast iron. It's not gonna happen. So you're still gonna need an able body for that. But you, you know more and more like your Amazon and stuff like that. I could see those people. I could see it eliminated.

Speaker 1:

You know, Tesla's already got a robot.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I saw that. That's pretty cool yeah.

Speaker 1:

It was making drinks as a bartender when I seen that was pretty cool.

Speaker 2:

And it's cool. It's cool to see the experience, but, once again, that's not going to happen in real life. You're not going to go to a bar and this will be a robot making drinks for you. It's going to take too long.

Speaker 1:

I got to know this be the last one. Probably you could switch bodies with anyone. Who would it be? Not lives, just bodies.

Speaker 2:

Man, there's just too many options. Uh, you know I'm gonna call you gay after this. Oh no, well, this is gonna be a guy, what I'm gonna say? A woman's body? No, I would say, I would say the Rock.

Speaker 1:

The Rock, yeah, yeah, I can see that I'd go. Mark Wahlberg, just the small stature, see, I just don't.

Speaker 2:

See, you almost caught me on air. You almost caught me. I'll say it. I don't give a shit. I don't think Mark Wahlberg is cute. I don't.

Speaker 1:

I feel you. I feel you, but you know I just want to rock. You know I've been a big dude my whole life. Yeah, big is not always fun, not always the funnest you know yeah. I feel like the little guys have more fun. I guess, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

The little guys have more fun.

Speaker 1:

Not the big guys, not the big You're right, right, not the bed, guys, not the bed. You're right, right, all right. We got a couple emails let's do some emails.

Speaker 2:

Shit shows 2024 let's go. Uh, this is the coolest part of the show where we read your emails on the loan.

Speaker 2:

But the best part is hearing me flow. So let's get to this shit, bro. So this, this, this is becoming a bit. I'm getting our emails. They're real people sending them but they're using names and they're trying to catch me. Last show, mike hunt uh got me. This one is whoever did it? They misspelled it, but they wanted me to say harry balls, so they can go fuck themselves. But I'm gonna read your question anyway, because I do like this question harry balls has to me. That's my probably my favorite question of all the emails we've gotten. If you could get the president or the nomin, the presidential nominees, on your show, would y'all do it, and that would quicker than you can blink, hell yeah.

Speaker 1:

Hell yeah, did you not see how many views Rogan had? Yeah, oh no, 29 million views bro.

Speaker 2:

Bro, if the tangerine tornado showed up right here, I'd be ecstatic.

Speaker 1:

Bro, I would. Yes, come trunk, come do this, come do this, even you know. Hopefully you win tomorrow, next day, I'm not going to put too much pressure on you.

Speaker 2:

Don't put pressure on him. He's old.

Speaker 1:

But I would love for you to come to the shit shows, even your running mate, jd Vance. I would even take Kamala right now because we'd probably get 22 views. I would even take Kamala right now because we'd probably get 22 views. Speaking of all that, you know, joe Rogan makes $800,000 an episode.

Speaker 2:

I'll tell you I'd be happy right now with $25 and a 12-pack.

Speaker 1:

Dude $800,000 an episode. I don't make nothing off of this. Look I would be gay.

Speaker 2:

Look, I would probably suck a Peter For $800,000 an episode bro, bro, I got to bust my ass for 200 bucks, right, right.

Speaker 1:

We spend more than we make on the show. I know Jeez, 800,000 episodes, but yes, absolutely, I would take them on the show, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Well, I don't know if it's Miss or Mr orrs, but thank you, harry balls, for your question.

Speaker 1:

we really appreciate it I think it was harry bills I said harry balls, so it's fine well, anyways, we got another one no, no, just one email this week.

Speaker 2:

Okay, yeah, just one email.

Speaker 1:

So well, well, good man, good man.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, so I do want to talk about Meals by Mike. That's me, okay, I am him. What does it take to run a successful catering business? Take me through the steps from the beginning to now.

Speaker 2:

Well, I mean, the first thing is the food. The food has to be good because it doesn't really matter. If you serve sucky food, then all the rest of the stuff that I talk about is not going to matter.

Speaker 1:

Say hold on, let's take a minute. Food's always great, but we'll start here. What does your day look like if you had, if you were catering for 150 to 200 people? It was barbecue, and with with 20 sides or 10 sides. What does your day look like?

Speaker 2:

um, no sleep, um, which is especially around this time. I, for instance, uh, last weekend I had in 50 hours. I had six jobs, wow, um, and two of them were 80 or more, a one was 80, one was 90, a couple of them were 50 and then a couple of them were like 30 and 15 and um, so literally it's in my business. It really takes. I'm a social person, I like to hang out, I like to have fun, like to party. My job takes that out of the equation a lot especially because a lot of your jobs are weekend jobs yeah, and I have to be up at three, four in the morning.

Speaker 2:

So like when you're doing, for instance, like I did your wedding uh, we did, I think we had three or four meets and you're literally you're, you're cooking for 48 hours non-stop.

Speaker 2:

You may get, if you get, four to six hours of sleep in those two days yeah you're lucky, yeah, um, and, but that's that's what I choose to do, that's what I love to do, and when you, when you love it, it doesn't bother you. The only problem I have now is my legs. Um, if my legs were half better than what they are right now, it would help me out a lot, but they're not so, and I have to turn down a lot of work because I can't handle, like last weekend, I can't, I can't do two weekends in a row like that. I can do those once or twice a year and that's it. So you know, I have to turn down more work than I take on because of my health. But the food's amazing, yeah, no, no, the food's good and everything that I make, I can't, you can't, please everybody.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So I'm going to, I'm going to fuck up, I'm going to make a mistake, but what there's? I mean I did a job last weekend and I completely forgot to season the green beans and they were fresh style green beans and I made them and I put a broth I make a broth that is made with like Worcestershire and stuff like that, so it's got some flavor in it, but I completely forgot to add any seasonings to it. Flavor in it. But I completely forgot to add any seasonings. Really. And I thought about it and after I delivered the food I was like because I always that weighs on my head like, did I do this? Did I do that? And um, I, I straight up told her and she texts me back and later on that that evening she was like I don't know what you're talking about, but these green beans are good, but to your standards. But yeah, yeah, but you're going to forget something and it sucks because, especially if that's somebody's first time that you're doing catering for them, you only get one chance to make the first impression.

Speaker 2:

So luckily I do have a very good personality. Personality so I can almost talk my way out of certain things. I always make things right. If I mess something up, I'm the the first to like. For instance, I I had I do weekly meals, um, and I take meals in our community. We have a pretty big community. There's three different housing communities in around us and there was a lady who had bought from me before, but she it's been forever since she she bought from me.

Speaker 2:

Well, her address was on my, still on my phone. That's how I knew she ordered from me. But she had moved like five houses down. I didn't realize that. She didn't tell me and it was my fault for not asking. So I delivered it.

Speaker 2:

I texted her, said hey, I brought the food, rang the bell. Nobody answered. It's on your porch. She calls me, she says nothing. Where'd you put it out? On my porch? Says right there on the door, like when you open the door it's right there. She goes, not here.

Speaker 2:

I said, well, where, where is it? I mean like you, are you at 114? Well, no, she. She asked me. She said 104, I'm. I won't say the street name, I had it in my phone. It's 114. She's lives now at 104, so she's like well, I'll walk down and go see what do I owe you.

Speaker 2:

I said, well, if you're walking to go get your food that I was supposed to deliver to your doorstep, dinner's on me, don't worry about it. You know so I'll always make it right. I'm never gonna. I'm never gonna screw anybody, um, but, like I said, it's fun. It's and it's fun because, like I said, I love what I do. I love, like last weekends when I got people that tag me on facebook and make a post about me and then they call me constantly saying how everybody loved everything and stuff like that. So that that gives you a good feeling that you're tired, you haven't had any sleep, you're sitting on the couch, all you want to do is go to bed and then you get a message saying thank you so much, mike, everything was great. Yeah, like that, that makes it all work that makes it all worth it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that. And getting paid, of course. Well, that too. So you know, um, I do notice, you know, when you, when you do sit out, uh, looking for tabs, I mean how many, how many times do you get stiffed on?

Speaker 2:

because I know you used to, you would front people all week yeah, no, when I first started I never made them pay until the week, but as I got busier I don't have time on friday to yeah, because it takes. It could take an hour of my day on a friday to figure out who paid and who didn't pay. So now I just tell them you know it's not a, I need the money for a grocery thing. I just tell them whenever you order, you pay me If you call on the border and you order food, you pay.

Speaker 2:

That's what you got to do with me, but I'm done with meals in a couple weeks. So just the meals I'll cater and I'll stay catering. But I only got two more weeks of that of the meals, so I don't have to worry, so you heard it here first.

Speaker 1:

I know he's been leading up to it and it was going to be on the docket, yeah.

Speaker 2:

But I got another chef that's going to come in and do what I did and deliver.

Speaker 1:

The nightly meals.

Speaker 2:

The nightly meals. So she's going to run with that. That's going to be her own thing. I'm just letting her suggesting that my clients go see her for that.

Speaker 1:

So you're already giving me your clientele list?

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, yeah, yeah For the dinners, yeah.

Speaker 1:

What happens if they start using her for catering jobs?

Speaker 2:

We'll battle it out. I've already told her caterers are. That's my deal. You're not going to beat me on a catering. I can assure you that that's good. But a lot of people they don't realize that they can't. Catering is a monster, and if all you're going to do is take on jobs that are 20, 30 people, you're not going to make a lot of money doing that you need parties of 80 or more, 100 or more.

Speaker 2:

That's what your money makers are and most people don't know how to handle that. And I know that because I've been contacted and said hey, can you do a party this big? I tried to call another local caterer. They can't do it and it's like 100 people and I'm like, well, well, who can't cater for 100 people?

Speaker 1:

right, I could.

Speaker 2:

If you call yourself, well, I understand that, but if you call yourself a caterer and you can't cater 100 people, you're not a caterer.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, I agree, that's all I'm saying. I mean that that makes sense to say that that that's the appropriate amount of people actually to start profiting. Yeah, um, because you do the math, you know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah 30 people is not going to be enough yeah, you may break even no, I mean you're still. You're making money, you're just not you're. You need the volume to make money if you're in, unless you're doing consistently now, if you're doing 30 people every day, then you'll make money so, as a caterer and you're doing a big party, what is what?

Speaker 1:

would you prefer to cook barbecue or would you like to do something there? I mean, I know, you make everything, yeah, I don't like.

Speaker 2:

I don't like barbecue. Yeah, I like cooking barbecue for me and my friends and stuff like that I don't like catering weddings um, I've done four, four or five large weddings with barbecue and those are my least favorite. Yeah, um, I like doing. You know, like tomorrow I have a lunch for 90 people. Uh, chicken parm with spaghetti and salad stuff like that.

Speaker 2:

I love cooking stuff like that. Home cooking home cooking is my favorite, so like a chicken, fried chicken with mashed potatoes yeah, yeah, definitely. Um, and, like I said, I love barbecuing. Yeah, I love it.

Speaker 1:

I don't like doing it on the masses 150, 200 people I mean you're, you're, I would say your salmon is pretty, pretty much on point yeah yeah, um I can see you like doing that If somebody wanted fish for a wedding. Your food is amazing. I'm not just putting it out there because we're friends. Yeah, yeah, no definitely we're co-hosts of this great show, but Meals by Mike is probably the best catering out there.

Speaker 2:

If you're in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, you know phone number's 469-441-9970. Meals by Mike. We take care of all your catering needs. He's on Facebook. I'm on the Facebook. You can look me up on the Facebook. I got a page, Got about almost 3,000 followers on that page.

Speaker 1:

All one word Meals by Mike, but I love it. Well, good man, good. I. I've always wondered what, what it all takes to uh, you know to do, to do the catering I need.

Speaker 2:

I need sex at least once a week to do my catering job.

Speaker 1:

I'm telling you right, you know, good thing you got a good wife down there. But so I know, last week I had a good joke about the babies. I thought it was pretty funny.

Speaker 2:

We probably lost a sponsor on that one.

Speaker 1:

I just don't know what. Yet I got one for you. What's brown and rhymes with Snoop Poop Dr Dre.

Speaker 2:

Get it, oh Lord.

Speaker 1:

Did you get?

Speaker 2:

these from baddadjokescom. Yeah, I think so I think.

Speaker 1:

so, you know, speaking of baddadscom, you know I've got a, you know, our alien friend that was kidnapped now god rest his soul now, my wife is now actively low, you know, tracking my location because him and his respectfully beautiful wife, uh showed, you know, brought it to my attention that I had something turned off on my location. So, you know, thanks for them. You know, my wife could actually, you know, track me everywhere I go, which is I never had a problem with it. I thought she was already doing it anyways.

Speaker 1:

So I have a question, though I think she could already track you through the I've find my iphone app there was something on my phone turned off to where she couldn't do that, and I don't know what it was, but they, they, they informed us, they schooled us on how to fix that. Well, that was good, that was nice of them. I appreciate you, nick, and you know, and and kelly, you're great friends and We'll look forward to it.

Speaker 2:

Now we can finally have you been at the casino.

Speaker 1:

Well, it doesn't track you like that. Oh okay, I hope it doesn't. If it tracks every stop, I'm in trouble.

Speaker 2:

Well, I don't think it alerts her like who he stopped to get gas or something.

Speaker 1:

My wife would set that shit up.

Speaker 2:

She's got to look it up. The perimeters the perimeters, the perimeters.

Speaker 1:

She would have a geofitz around Choctaw. You know I could go there and come back in a day and she'd never know she's gone three days a week. But hint, hint, hint. What I'm getting at is I don't like to gamble.

Speaker 2:

Not anymore.

Speaker 1:

Not anymore. But you know, I don't know. I do like the whole catering deal. You know what you do. Yeah, you know, when we first met you were plumbing and you decided to get into the catering deal just because of COVID.

Speaker 2:

Well, it was you and Darren's idea, I think.

Speaker 1:

I think so. Well, remember we ordered food from on the border or somewhere. It was like 90 bucks. Oh, that's right At the pool and you were like dude, if he's willing to pay 90 bucks for this crap, I know for a fact I can make 10 times as much money on the food that I make the good food I make.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but it's cool because, like, for instance, I get to be a part of things like this weekend. This Saturday I get to be a part of a veterans dinner, a free veterans dinner. I donated fajitas for all the veterans I want to be there visiting with them and stuff like that You'll have to forgive me.

Speaker 2:

It's a ranch and I think it's in Caddo. Okay, it's the first annual they're doing it, so just for disabled vets. I think they're allowing just normal vets, but it's mainly for disabled vets. Yeah, and it's just a chance to say thank you.

Speaker 1:

I know you do it a lot for the schools too. Oh, yeah, you cater for the teachers.

Speaker 2:

I feed the teachers a lot. You, for the schools too, you do. Oh, yeah, you know I feed the teachers. I feed the teachers a lot. You know the teachers. People don't realize you know they, they, they don't have a big budget. When you've got 75 to 85 teachers and they, their budget to do a catering is less than ten dollars a person, yeah. And so it costs you to do these caterings? Obviously it it. It costs me my time. They barely pay for the groceries and I cook it and give it to them. But they get a good meal, not Domino's pizza. I love pizza, so nothing against Domino's. You can still sponsor us. Yes, but I give them a good meal, annoyed with annoyed. Yeah, I give them a good meal to enjoy.

Speaker 1:

It's not just fast food, it's home cooked, cooked with love well, good man, I mean, I tell you what your food is, is the best thing you ever cooked, that I love that honestly is. Is your greens or your soul food? You know your uh, your chicken's amazing. Yeah, grandma's tacos are on point. Oh yeah, I've even tried to duplicate grandma's tacos and failed drastically.

Speaker 2:

They're easy. They're easy. You just got to take your time with it Because if you have it too hot it just fries the shell, the corn tortilla, but that's what I did. But no, it's all good man and I get. The problem is I get way more compliments than I do, people that don't like stuff, and that's what I want to hear. I want to hear the negative stuff because that way I can fix it if I need to. What?

Speaker 1:

was that number again 469-441-9970. That's Meals by Mike. All one word. Look him up on Facebook, guys. His food is amazing.

Speaker 2:

Just in case you don't want to cook.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, for those times you just don't want to cook Mills by Mike, he's your guy. All right, man, I think this is going to be a short show this week.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah man, let's wrap it up. We love you. Peace out. Thank you guys for tuning in for this. Mills by Mike commercial.

Speaker 1:

Next week, we will actually talk about this whoever won the election, that's right.

Speaker 2:

We're talk about this. Whoever won the election, that's right. We're gonna get political next, next week, next week. I can't wait. Yeah, craig on, duke it out. Oh, we're getting gloves. No, here's what we're going.

Speaker 1:

We're gonna have a ring girl we're gonna bring the tens machine and we're gonna hook it up to us and there's gonna be implications on, on. I don't know. We'll put.

Speaker 2:

We'll put the parameters up there so we're gonna to need to put plastic on the floors then.

Speaker 1:

I'm down for that. Y'all guys y'all have a good week.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, hey, we'll be right back.

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